Tuesday, May 5, 2009


In response to delinquency, law enforcement and juvenile services should provide opportunities for rehabilitation. This can be done by placing them in a juvenile detention facility that can offer specialized services. A juvenile facility is an institution that detains youths who are either alleged to be delinquent or have been adjudicated delinquent. Its intended purpose is to protect the public from the delinquent acts of minors by placing those minors in secure detention and temporary care with intent, in most cases, to make those who serve time functioning adults in society. The goal of juvenile rehabilitation is to correct a youth’s delinquent behavior so that they do not commit further crimes and continue to threaten society by providing to them specialized programs.

Such programs are scheduled for all youths in the facility and consist of education, tutorial services in subjects such as reading and math, recreation activities, religious services, crisis counseling, and structured presentations from community agencies. These programs can help change juveniles’ maladaptive behavior and inappropriate coping skills, reduce recidivism, and give them the tools to become productive members of society and to ensure juveniles receive all necessary counseling and treatment. If juvenile delinquents are placed in rehabilitation programs in the early years of their delinquent careers, then there is a greater chance that they will not repeat their offenses. Likewise, the number of juveniles that become adult criminals decreases.

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